Established in 1981, the California-Hawaii Elks Association Bequests and Living Trusts (BLT) Legacy Giving Program gives our members a way to ensure we continue to provide funds for future generations of children who need therapist services. This fund is like an “insurance” policy so that if at any time our Exalted Rulers March does not raise enough funds to cover expenses for our Major Project, the children who have this great need will not be left behind. In 1986, Leonard A. Cosgrove created the BLT name, as a takeoff on the sandwich—the BLT, or bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich—which was a clever tie-in to our Purple Piggy bank.
Members can make a gift through the BLT program by including it in their will or trust, or by designating California Hawaii Elks Association (CHEA) as a beneficiary of a bank account or insurance policy. A member who makes a gift to the Major Project through the BLT program can be recognized during their lifetime under the Benefactor program, or they can donate anonymously. If you want to document your gift and receive recognition, simply send a signed and dated statement to the CHEA office in Fresno indicating that you have made a gift to the Major Project through the BLT program. You will receive a letter asking you to complete a release form. After you return the completed form to the Fresno office, your name will be placed on the BLT master list, and you will receive a Benefactor’s Certificate and a distinctive triangular BLT lapel pin, which you should wear with pride.
What kinds of gifts can you make through the BLT? Individuals can designate gifts of cash, stocks, or they can designate the Major Project as a beneficiary on a Life Insurance policy. To do that you can provide this language to your attorney or financial advisor:
I give the sum of $___ to the California-Hawaii Elks Major Project, Inc., 5450 East Lamona Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727-2224 (Tax ID: 95-1919366)
to be used or disposed of as its Board of Trustees deems appropriate in its sole discretion.
If you have further questions about adding this gift as part of your legacy with the Elks, you can go here, or please feel free to email me and I will be happy to provide what you need to make this happen.
Lynn Glick
PER Lodge 1015
Vice Chair BLT
California-Hawaii Elks Association